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Immagine del redattoreclaudiadusiph

I've been HACKED!

Hey everybody!

It's been a hot minute. One utterly unpleasant thing happened: I've been hacked.

My former Instagrm account was hacked a month ago. I was so frustrated at first, but then I thought "hey, it's just a social media".

What got me the most was that Instagram doesn't have a proper assistance for these situations. So annoying.

I was asked to pay a ransom to my hacker to have my account back. Yeah, right.

DON'T EVER DO THAT! Do not pay anybody trying to have your account back. It's not moral and it NEVER works.

Anyways, I got back on track and created a brand new Instagram page: claudiadusiphotography.

Plus, I was actually inspired to create a themed photo. Here it is!

In conclusion, I had to start over. No big deal.

Feel free to check my new Instagram which is building up day by day.

Thanks for taking time to read this post.


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